Friday 4 March 2011

Project Asset 1 - BD-5 Microjet

The BD-5 Microjet features in the opening minutes of the film Octopussy. It is a key icon from the film and I felt that it should be in my trailer.In fact the mojority of the trailer will include this model. Because of this fact this was the model I started working on first.

Research Board for BD-5 Microjet

There are not very many screenshots of the modelling process for this model as I forgot to regularly screen cap my progress. However I attempted this model by starting with a cylinder type shape and edited the sizes of each round edge to get the general shape of the plane.

The wings and fins on the plane were added by deleting the polygons where they attach and extruding out by holding shift and draging out the polygons into the shape of the wings.

Mid Progress Model - With MeshSmooth

The exhaust was added as a seperate shape created from a simple cone. A great deal of time went into trying to make the plane as rounded as possible and im still not 100% happy with it.

Creating the cockpit

Because I planned to have a scene shot from the cockpit view I decided to create a cockpit for the model. The polygons where the cockpit window was positioned was removed and capped to fill the general shape. A seat and controls were also added as was a joystick. The joystick was created quite quickly using the lathe modifier whereby you drawout half of the object using the line tool and lathe it to rotate that line into a 3D Model. Unfortunatly I do not have any screenshots demonstrating this.

Cockpit Render - Glass Material refracts the light.

The current model is probably 90% finished and requires proper texturing (Paint Scheme) and some small body details. Since this is my primary model I will probably continue working on it throughout the project.

Current Wireframe Model


Here are some renders of the model with a daylight lighting system:

1 comment:

  1. References for Research Board:

    Tech Blog (2011). Jet Aircraft Small Enough to Fit in a Garage. [Online]
    Available from -
    [Accessed: 14/02/2011]

    Passion Aviation (2011). 2007 Museums: PIMA Air & Space. [Online].
    Available from -
    [Accessed: 14/02/2011]

    Airport Data (2011). Aircraft N210LL Photo. [Online].
    Available from -
    [Accessed: 14/02/2011]

    BD-5 Fan Site (2000). BD-5 Expo 2000. [Online].
    Available from -
    [Accessed: 14/02/2011]

    Richard Ferriere (2011). Unknown. [Online].
    Available from -
    [Accessed: 14/02/2011]

    Koony Sun (2011). Aviation Knowledge. [Online].
    Available from -
    [Accessed: 14/02/2011]

    Flickr By twm1340 (2011). Shared Photo. [Online].
    Available from -
    [Accessed: 14/02/2011]

    Flickr By twm1340 (2011). Shared Photo. [Online].
    Available from -
    [Accessed: 14/02/2011]
