Tuesday 1 March 2011

Current Progress on Project Artifacts

I figured at this point it would be a good idea to show some screenshots of the models I have been working on so far. I wont go into detail with the techniques used to create each one but will give each model its own blog entry explaining the creation process when I am happy that they are complete.

BD-5 Micro Jet

Mostly finished. Some final touch ups and texturing is required. I am not going to create the wheels for the plane as they do not feature during my trailer.

Alfa Romeo GTV6

Also nearing completion. The main framework is done. All that remains is external details such as wing mirrors, door handles and trims. Texturing will also need to be done.

James Bond Character


Very much incomplete. Only recently started and will require the most attention in the coming days but I am confident I can model him a satisfactory level.


I started with these three first as I feel that they feature the most in my storyboarded trailer. Other models such as a handgun and train will also need to be created over the next week or so.

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